Page:O Novo Guia da Conversação, em Portuguez e Inglez, em duas partes.djvu/159

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— 145 - Tendo a republica Genoveza ousado ameaçar Luis XIV, foi obrigada a enviar á França o doge, acompanhado de qua- tro senatores (cousa nunca acontecida), a fim de desculpar-se com esse monar- cha. Mostrárão ao tal doge o sumptuoso Versalhes, perguntando-lhe o que mais o maravilhava n'este sítio incantador: — «É vér-me n'elle)», responde e doge.

The Genoa republic, having dared to brave Lewis XIV, was forced to send at France, for to excuse him self to the monarch, lhe doge accom- panied of four senators, who was without exemple. One was done see to this doge Versailles into all her splendour; then one did beg him what was strike him more in that enhanced side : « It is to meet my self thither,» he was answered.

Certo individuo cego d'um olho apos- tou, contra outro de boa vista, que via mais que elle. A aposta foi aceita.-«Ganhei- nhei, brada o torto; pois eu vejo dous olhos em Vm., e Vm. só me vê um.»

On eyed was laied against man which had good eyes that he saw better than him. The partu was ac- cepted- «I had gain, over said the one eyed ; why i see you two eyes, and you not look me who one.

Um senhor inglez eslava na cama cruelmente atormentado pela gota, eis lhe annuncião um supposto medico, que possuía certo remédio infallivel contra o dito mal — «Esse doctor, pergunta o lord, veio a pé ou em carruagem?» — «A pé, volve-lhe o criado.» — Então, acres- centa o doente, vai já dizer a esse ve- lhaco que ponha os quartos na rua, pois se elle tivesse o remedio, de que se ga- ba , andaria em coche tirado por seis urcos, e eu mesmo fôra á sua casa offe- recer-lhe metade dos meus bens, para me vêr livre de tão negregada mo- léstia.»

A english lord was in their bed, tormented cruelly of lhe gout, when was announced him a pretended phy- sician, which had a remedy sure a- gainst that illness. «That doctor ca- me in coach or on foot?» was request the lord. «On foot,» was answered him the servant. «Well, was replied the sick, go tell to the knave what go back one's self, because if he was the remedy, which lie exalt him self, he should roll a coach at six horses,and i would be send for him my self and to offer him lhe half part of my tands for to be delivered of my sickness.»